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What is a ZYTO health scan? 

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Have you researched supplements and just do not know what to buy?  With so many choices available today, deciding which nutritional products to take should not be a difficult task. Most people use a try-it-and-see approach, which can be a costly and time consuming process. We are here to show you a much better way to regain your health and choose nutritional supplements.


To maintain a healthy immune system and balanced body, everyone needs vitamins and minerals every day. By getting a ZYTO health scan, you will see which vitamins, minerals, herbs your body is most coherent with and will help bring health, thus reducing the guesswork and subjectivity that comes with choosing supplements and other personal wellness products.


What to expect at a health scan: you will place your hand on a Zyto hand cradle and we will do a non-invasive bio-communications reading of what is going on in your body. Through the energy sent to your body with the software, and the energy response from your body, we will show you what imbalances your body has. Then based on your body's preferences we will recommend nutritional supplements to help you towards your health goals. It's the easiest test you'll ever take, in learning what's going on with your body.

What is a Sensitivity Treatment (Allergies)? 

Have seasonal or food allergies been bogging you down? You may wonder, what is a Sensitivity treatment? We use the Zyto technology to do a Category scan to see what areas your body shows it is most sensitive to. We then formulate a plan to start treating each sensitivity individually. Whether it is a food or an environmental sensitivity we can treat them all. This non-invasive process naturally teaches your central nervous system to no longer believe whatever you are being treated for is harmful. It channels the treatment through different energy pathways in the body, with the result of re-training the brain and lowering sensitivities (allergies).

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